Monday 31 March 2014

A Blog Tour is underway.

In case you haven't noticed there is a blog tour going on.  You are introduced in someone's blog then a week later you thank them and introduce three more.

Well the lovely Rob Stickler introduced me last Monday.  He has now been informed that I also love The Thing, not a euphemism folk. Want that reference explained then you will have to go here.

I think he started out blogging a bit before me.  We both lapsed for a while, dazzled by the bright lights of Facebook and Twitter. However the glitz is looking tarnished so we are back to our old faithful blogs. Did you miss us?

So now it is my turn. I have to answer a few questions.

1) What am I working on? Currently the 1st complete rewrite of a YA novel is underway. It is Enid Blyton meets Shameless and I am enjoying the process. Considering how much I hate editing that must be a good sign.
I have also been putting together detailed outlines for a set of Film and TV scripts.
Film wise it is one surreal, one thriller, on action and a romcom.  I have also got a trapped in a box idea knocking around too but I think I have more than enough to deal with at the moment.
The TV stuff all appears to be sitcom at the moment.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? I write UK based, mostly rural, dark humour with a surreal edge. If I try to stay strictly drama I fail because that humour just sneaks in again. Why rural?  So many stories cover the urban angst.  I like to remind people that it is not all chocolate box outside the city walls either. Take a look when it is slurry spreading time.

3) Why do I write what I do? Because I have to.  I get ideas burning in my head and they won't behave unless I write them down.  Most of my work revolves around the loners in the community. With so much inequality and persecution in the world you have to either fight, write or go nuts. I find writing a less painful option than punching walls.

4) How does my writing process work?  An idea will knock about inside my head for quite a while before I put anything on paper.  I used to then just dive in and write. 
Now I prefer to knock it into shape with an outline before writing my first draft.  It gives me an idea whether the story has legs and stops the thing nagging me so I can concentrate on writing.

Overall I think this is faster.  Certainly less sweary than reaching the end and hubby looking over your shoulder and pointing out a gaping plot hole that wants to swallow the whole script.

Now you have delved into my writing soul, how about checking out some other bloggers.  I have mentioned Rob but please also check out the sweary guru Lucy who he mentioned last week. I have learnt soooo much from her.

So for the new bloggers on the list.

I met Wendy YEEEEAAARRRS ago. In fact we met on the first screenwriting course I ever attended.  No, I'm not going to say how long ago that was. I'm a lady so you shouldn't be asking.


Wendy Storer writes novels, mostly for teenagers. She has published two books; Where Bluebirds Fly and Bring Me Sunshine, a finalist in the Mslexia Children’s Novel Competition. Her next YA novel – How to be Lucky – will be published later this year. She’s currently working on her debut women’s novel, teaching writing at The Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal, and working with writers through Magic Beans Literary Services to help them lick their own novels into shape. Find her at, , , or say hello @WendyStorer.


Connie Jensen tried hard to get this bit done but she is juggling managing, directing, writing, publishing, painting.... Don't know how she manages it.  We have known each other for quite a few years now and are both part of the NCS posse.  Anyway I would recommend you pop by her blog   Worth a read. Don't worry Connie, I won't hold you to doing the next bit.


Phew.  Am I done now?  Good.  Off to do some writing.  Speak to you all soon.


Monologues4u said...

Hi Rach,
Thanks for tagging me. Now to think of the answers to those questions...

Rachael Howard said...

My pleasure.